Dropping Conference in CUCME When Initiator Disconnects

Hello all!

This post is a response to a question from a student of my recent CVOICE course. The question was as follows – how to drop a hardware Conference  in CUCME when initiator of the Conference is leaving the session.

The solution is easy. In ephone or ephone-template configuration just add a command conference drop-mode. Its syntax is:

conference drop-mode [creator | local]

Parameter creator means Conference is stopped when initiator leaves it. Parameter local says Conference is stopped when the last internal CUCME’s phone disconnects from the session (ie prevents a situation where the conference are used by external subscribers only).

An example of configuration is here:

HQ-1(config)# ephone 1
HQ-1(config-ephone)# conference drop-mode creator

Wish all of you a nice day!